Empress Tree Pod

Inspired by the work of Fritjof Capra.

At one point, I became very interested in the wave/particle duality. The nature of the physical world is not little, absolute blocks. It might appear to be that way from one perspective at a given point in time, but this perspective hides the other nature of the physical world which is wave-like in behavior. There’s a tendency to be a particular way from a general point of view, but nuances can have undetermined repercussions. We have probability patterns which are hard to collapse, but we don’t have “Tinker Toy” shaped atoms.

I wanted to see a wave in nature. Could I find a place that looked like a tendency rather than an absolute? It occurred to me that wood grain looks like waves to me. Albeit, very slow waves. The grain will change over time so it shows us a tendency but as we view it at this point in time it looks like an absolute. That was the backdrop because that was the truth. The Empress Tree Pod is not an absolute. It is ever changing according to the myriad of factors within itself and their environment.

Graphite and colored pencil on 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper, 11″ x 14″

Empress Tree Pod